Besides, if celebrities can make monumentally ignorant and insensitive statements and still get big contracts and cocktail party invitations, why can't I mildly criticize said statements and still go to Target or the Olive Garden without fear of receiving the cut direct?
Of course, if one commented on all the idiotic things well-known people are well-known for saying, well, there just wouldn't be time for salad and breadsticks at the OG. So I let Charlie Sheen blither about winning, and Rosie O'Donnell expound about fireproof steel, all without a peep.
But I just have to say something to Prince (the artist formerly known as a symbol not found on my keyboard—what a marketing genius!). The Guardian quotes the musician as saying: “It’s fun being in Islamic countries, to know there’s only one religion. There’s order. You wear a burqa. There’s no choice. People are happy with that.”
Wow. I guess that whole freedom-of-religion thing has been a drag for these 200+ years. And a burqa would certainly simplify the question of what to wear for any occasion.
Now that I have decided to comment, I find that I really can't. There just are no words. Except this: Mr. Nelson, let's see you in a burqa next time you're on stage. And no scantily dressed women, either. They should be in burqas too. Might make it hard to do your normal show, but never mind. It's fun.